Welcome to WebSpace, powered by WordPress.
Please note: WebSpace sites are not automatically created for all RRU students. Sites have been created only for students enrolled in a certain course or program that uses it.
If a WebSpace site has been created for you (see your course for instructions):
- Log in by adding your RRU username and /wp-admin at the end of the url (e.g. webspace.royalroads.ca/username/wp-admin) or log in here.
- And then if you don’t see your home page, look in the top left corner under My Sites. If you still don’t see your site, contact your instructor or submit a Help Desk ticket and we can check to see if you are in the course.
Questions about your WebSpace? Check out the Getting Started and FAQs.
Other questions? Please contact the Computer Services Help Desk.
ATTENTION: MALAT Students – For students enrolled in the MA in Learning Technology (MALAT) – go to malat-webspace.royalroads.ca instead to log in once your site has been created.