Sharing Your ePortfolio


Before you share your portfolio with an instructor and classmates, potential employer or client, professional or graduate school, you will want to review it for any errors that you may have missed while you were developing it.

Start by reading through every page and uploaded files to check for any obvious errors such as spelling mistakes, or including personal information such as a personal address or phone number.

Check for any links that may not be working properly.

Ask family, friends, classmates or the faculty and peer mentors in Writing Centre to review your ePortfolio and provide feedback.

Make use of these resources when reviewing your ePortfolio in advance of sharing.

Before Sharing (.pdf)
Get Feedback (.pdf)
Publishing (.pdf)


You’ve built it. You’ve reviewed it and revised it. And now your portfolio is ready to share:

  • Add the URL to your cover letters or resume
  • Include it in your e-mail signature
  • Share it on your social media
  • Include a link on your LinkedIn page
  • Mention it to employers or when networking
  • Use it for submitting projects or assignments
  • Use it to share credentials, achievements, and volunteer activities

Next topic: Sample ePortfolios

The Student Resources have been adapted from and developed with the support of colleagues at Capilano University, Auburn University’s ePortfolio Project and ePortfolio Support at TRU. In particular, we would like to thank to Tracy Penny Light (TRU), Margaret Marshall (Auburn), and Lesley Bartlett (Auburn) for their generosity and contributions to the ePortfolio community.